Mexican Magic Mushrooms


Mexican Magic Mushrooms is ka hallucinogenic mushroom, the Psilocybe Cubenis Mexicana. The famous chemist Albert Hofmann discovered the Psilocibina, -one of the psychoactive compounds in Magic Mushrooms-  in this variety but it has been used for many, many years: 2000 years ago the Aztecs used the Mexicana mushroom in their magic rituals in which this civilization entered in contact with spirits and celestial entities.

The Mexicans are the beginners choice opening the doors to mushroom cultivation for many It is the mushroom to ‘enter in contact’ with the magic mushrooms world.

It’s the variety widely pointed as the best to take shrooms for the first time because of it’s light but surprising effects.

Dosages are as follows:

Mild Experience: 0.75 Grams to 1.25 Grams

Medium Experience 1.5 Grams to 2.5 Grams

Full Experience 2.5 Grams to 3.5 Grams

We also recommend that you do not mix our products with alcohol, as it dulls the experience.


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