Malabar Magic Mushrooms


The Malabar Magic Mushroom strain was initially secured from the Malabar Coast in India.

The effects of the Malabar magic mushroom can variate from person to person. Due to its high psilocin and psilocybin concentrations, the Malabar can take effects on the body and mind in a slowly but surely. In the hour that follows, the trip climbs to its peak, which is full of vivid colors and visual effects.

Dosages are as follows:

Mild Experience: 0.75 Grams to 1.25 Grams

Medium Experience 1.5 Grams to 2.5 Grams

Full Experience 2.5 Grams to 3.5 Grams

We also recommend that you do not mix our products with alcohol, as it dulls the experience.

We recommend starting at the medium experience level, if you have not tried them before, as the visuals can be quite intense and harder to handle for inexperienced users. Set and setting are extremely important for a positive experience. We also highly encourage people to have a guide or sitter if they are new to psychedelics.

This article has lots of useful advice for preparing for your mushroom experience.

How to use psychedelics.


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